Full time legal consultancy on corporate commercial law for companies

We have the advantage of combining the both legal and economic knowledge under one single consultancy concept. Having this joint expertise from both economic and legal field we have the capacity to better understand your problems and most of all the economic mechanism which are beneath. This way we can really develop solutions for your commercial problems.

This way we have the capacity to assist you within the litigation negotiation, find solutions or go to the court of justice. This should be the last solution, since it takes a great deal of time.

In order to avoid this kind of problem, we have developed for our clients, a new pack of services, called Full time legal consultancy on corporate commercial law for companies.

This service offer to the entrepreneur, the possibility to consult with us, before taking major business decision. This way we can analyze the decision and the risks involved. We can present to the company the associated risks of the transaction, the covered risks and also the risks which will appear in time. These can be foreseen and in the same time, company can prepare in order to avoid them or to fight them, in time.

The service also include a screening of the existing legal situation and offer solution for the discovered problems.

The service is tailor made for your company and for your company needs.

The basic package include:
- screening of the existing legal situation;
- solution for the discovered problems;
- analyzing all the contracts of the company with is suppliers;
- analyzing all the contracts of the company with is clients;
- creating new work contracts for employees with: legal responsibility, penalties, offering ways and leverages for the management;
- creating the Internal Regulation Rules as requested by law;
- creating the Organizing and Functioning Regulation as requested by law;
- consultancy to every problem faced by the company;
- creating contracts for every situation required by the company;
- weekly consultancy at its headquarters.